Invoicing Reports
An invoice edit is a printed working copy of unprocessed orders. Run an edit only if you need preliminary printed verification of orders about to be invoiced, or to list all unprocessed invoices. An edit does not cause any processing to occur. The invoice still remains accessible via the Invoice Entry program for corrections and printing. The main purpose of the review function is orders that are waiting to print as invoices.
- You can run the edit report for all invoices by leaving all the fields blank. You can also limit the report to a specific company (Company field) or branch (Branch field).
- f you are restricted to a single company that company's code appears in the Company# field.
- Use the Override Invoice Date and Override Printer ID fields to override the defaults. The default for the date is today's date and the printer default is established in the control panel.
You do not have to run the Invoice Edit to check for margins. You can print the invoices which will give you an invoice register with the calculated margins. Any invoice, that requires additional research after it is generated, can be voided prior to night jobs. Voided invoices do not update statistics or AR. They leave the orders open for billing.
Allows you to produce a report that shows all the invoices on your system, or you can customize the register to only show certain exception invoices.
The three report types are:
- Summary - Summarizes the requested invoice information. Use this format to get basic information (invoice number, company/account number, order number, billto account, and GP% information) about the specified invoices.
- Detailed - Builds on the summary format to provide detail lines on an invoice. Some of the additional columns include: warehouse, unit price and cost, and extended cost. This version checks and highlights the following conditions:
- taxable customer that was not charged tax
- of a customer's normal terms were overridden
- A COD or cash customer with a non-COD invoice
- display the salesperson listed on the order header on the invoice register.
- Exception - Shows special invoicing situations such as price overrides or high and low margin
The Order Pricing Analysis Report allows you to monitor potentially problematic pricing issues, such as orders with promotional prices that have expired between the time the order was entered and invoiced.
Enter a ship date range, and optionally change the parameters that control which lines will print on the report. The default values for these parameters are taken from the Invoicing Pricing & Promotions Pricing ShipBy Analysis Rpt.
The Order Pricing Analysis Report can also be run automatically from within the Invoicing By Status Code Program. This version analyzes the orders being invoiced. It is activated from the option Process the Pricing Analysis Report during Invoicing by Status Code on the Systems Wide Setting - Invoicing Pricing & Promotions Pricing ShipBy Analysis Rpt.